Toy Story is a 1995 American Computer Animated Movie Developed by Pixar Animation Studios and Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures And Buena Vista Distribution.
The movie begins with a Little Boy(Andy) playing with his toys and takes a Cowboy Toy called W
oody and Plays around the house as his Mom Gets ready for his birthay party.But because the guest are about to arrive Andy leaves Woody on his bed.Then Woody realizes that Andy has a birthday party and he tells the other toys.But they unlike him are Worried that Andy's presents may be new toys.Rex(The Dinosaur) is Especially worried because he may be replaced by a scarier dinosaur.Woody orders
Sarge(the commander of the plastic soldiers) to send a Reconnaissance Squad to investigate Andy's Presents.But non of the presents viewed by the soldiers is a toy.But Andy's mom gets another present from the Closet.But before the soldiers can tell what is it,Rex Shakes the table with the radio and the radio falls.When Woody puts the batteries the soldiers warn him that the kids are going to Andy's room and the toys manage to get to their places.When the Kids arrive,Andy Throws Woody off the bed and puts a new toy in his place when the toys go to inves
itage they see Buzz Lightyear, a new Space Ranger Toy.Who
Believes he is a real Space Ranger.Woody gets Jealous of him because the other toys and Andy like him more.One day the toys hear a laughing Kid and show Buzz a Destructive Neighbour Kid named Sid about to blow a Toy Soldier.Andy and his mom decide to go to pizza planet but Andy
can take only one toy so Woody ask a Guessing toy will he go with andy but frustraded accidentaly makes the toy trapped behind a desk.He gets a Idea to trap Buzz behind the desk to and trick him to go save the toy so Woody can hit him with an RC car.But the plan goes wrong and Buzz falls into bush.The animals want to punish Woody for making Buzz fall but Andy arrives and he doesn't find Buzz so he takes Woody.But Buzz jumps on the back of the car.When they arrive at the Gas Station Buzz gets in the car and starts to fight with Woody.As they fight they get out of th
e car.And get Stranded on the gas station after Andy and His Mom Leave.Buzz Wants to leave but Woody convices him to get to a Pizza Planet Delivery Car so they can find Andy.When they get there they are very close to Andy but Buzz sees a Toy Prize giving machine shaped like a rocket and enters it.Then The Sid uses the machine and gets Woody and Buzz.When they arrive they are scared to see Sid mak
ing a 'Surgery' to his Sister's Doll.Woody is very Scared by Sid's Toys because they are not normal.The next day they manage to Escape the room but they can't escape because Sid's Dog Scud is sleeping on the stairs.But as they try to go to another room they awake Scud.They manage to hide and Buzz sees himself on a TV and realizes he is a Toy.Buzz is very miserable and acts like he is drunk after Sid's Sister Ha
nnah makes a small toy tea party.Woody gets and idea to escape through the window in Sid's Room and sees Andy's toys who give him a rope but want proof that Buzz is with him unable to trick them with buzz's arm they drop the rope.Sid's toys seem to attack Buzz and Woody tries to protect him but the actually repair his broken Arm.Sid arrives with a package.His Rocket arrived and he wants to blow up Woody but doesn't find him so he tapes Buzz around the rocket.As he start to prepare to send Buzz to the Sky it Starts Raining so he cancells his plans.Sid goes to sleep and Buzz is feeling miserable again but Woody manages to Motivate him and they escape but Sid is awake and takes Buzz to the Backyard.Woody teams up Sid's toys and makes a rescue plan.They Trick Scud outside and Hannah Locks him out.W
hen Woody Gets to Buzz Sid puts him on a grill with a matchstick for his next project.But before he blows up Buzz, Woody scares him by talking.And Sid's Creations arise from the dirt and sand and surround him.He is even frightened from Hannah's Doll.Buzz and Woody see Andy's Family Moving out.Woody manages to grab onto the car but jumps to help the stuck Buzz.As they chase the Moving Truck
they get chased by Scud.Buzz Grabs onto the back of the Truck but as Woody gets to the truck Scud bites his Leg so Buzz Jumps onto Scud to save Woody.The Cowboy opens the truck's door to search for the RC Car but mistakenly opens the box with the Toys.As he Throws the RC Car out to save Buzz,Andy's Toys think he is getting rid of another toy and throw him out.He is grabbed by Buzz as they reach the Truck the toys realize their mistake so they try to pull them inside bu
t the RC Car is out of Batteries.Then Woody ingnites Buzz's Rocket and they drop the RC Car in the truck.Buzz manages to release from the rocket and extends his wings then he glides back into Andy's Car.At Christmas the Soldiers are reporting Andy's Presents again and this time Mr. Potato Head Gets a Mrs. Potato Head.Then the toys hear that Andy has a Puppy for a Christmas Present.
Sheriff Woody:
Sheriff Woody is a cowboy doll.He is Andy's most favorite toy and one of the two Prota

gonists of the film.He is very jealous of Buzz Lightyear because Buzz is Andy's new Favorite Toy the other toys also like Buzz better.He is very Selfish. He plans to trap Buzz in a Gap behind Andy's desk but his plan goes wrong and Buzz falls from the window.Later when Andy takes Woody in the car to Pizza Planet,Buzz shows up and the two start fighting.When they are taken by Sid he is Extremely Cowardly when he sees Sid's Mutant Toys but later he got some courage and tried to 'rescue' Buzz from the ''Attacking'' Mutant Toys.Later when buzz is stuck in the fence because of the taped rocked around his back,Woody helps him to get out.At the end of the movie he is friends with Buzz.
Buzz Lightyear:
Buzz is a new and popular Sci-fi Space Ranger Action Figure that Andy gets for his birthday. He is the second of the two protagonists in the game.He still Thinks he is a Real Space Ranger.He is Very Helpful and Nice to the other toys.He becomes Andy's favorite toy very fast.Woody is very jealous of him.He is almost hit by a RC Car Controlled by Woody but Falls out the window into a bush he Gets in the car and when Andy's mom stops at a Gas Station Woody and Buzz start fighting and fal

l out of the car.When he goes to pizza planet he is taken by Sid.
Later he keeps very calm when he sees Sid's Toys.When he sees himself on TV,he realizes he is a Toy and tries to Fly through a open window but he breaks his arm and is found by Hannah.Later he is drinking tea and is acting like he is drunk.Sid Tapes him to his new Rocket and prepares to ''Lauch him into orbit''.Later he is Motivated by Woody and they escape but Sid shows up and takes Buzz to the backyard.Woody and the toys make an escape plan and manage to escape.
At the end of the movie he is friends with Woody.
Mr Potato Head:
Potato Head is a very Sarcastic Bossy Cinycal toy.He is used as a villain in the op

ening scene where Andy puts him next to his little sister Molly which starts breaking up Potato Head.Later he puts his parts together.He doesn't believe anything Woody says and after he threw Buzz out of the window,Potato Head is always negative towards Woody.He even orders him to be thrown out of the Truck.At the end of the movie his wish is accomplished Andy gets a Mrs. Potato Head.
Slinky is a toy Dachshund with a slinky for a middle section.He is one of Woody's closest friends.
When W

oody Throws Buzz out of the window.Slinky doesn't turn on him like the other toys.
When Woody ask for help and trows a rope from Sid's room Slinky Catches it but later Potato Head Drops it.When Buzz and Woody are Riding a RC car to get to the truck Slinky uses his flexibility and jumps from the truck to help them but soon let's go because the car s out of batteries.
Rex is a Tyrannosaurus rex plastic Toy.He is afraid he is not scary enough and thin

ks he is starting to be annoying.His worst fear is that Andy may get another scarier Dinosaur than him.He has a very sensitive stomach because when se saw Woody showing Buzz's Broken arm he actually barfed.He also has a lot of anxiety because when the soldiers were going to report Andy's last present he started shaking the radio and accidentaly droped it.At the end of the movie he tells that Andy can get another Dinosaur as long as it a ''leaf-eater''.So Rex can be the dominant one.
Hamm is a Pink Piggy bank with a cork on his belly.He is usually standing by

the window to report things.Later in the movie he is seen playing a game with Potato Head.He has a very minor role in Toy Story.He has a bigger role in the Sequel Toy Story 2
Bo Peep:
Bo Peep is a sweet porcelain shepherdess figurine.She is the Romantic Intrest of Woody and has a herd of sheep.She is concidered Andy's toy

because he often makes her the madame in distress.When Buzz arrives she appears to like him and wants him for her moving buddy.She is quite sensitive and is one of the few toys that believes that Woody accidentaly threw Buzz out of the window.At the end of the movie she starts kissing Woody.
Sarge is the commander of the Plastic toy Soldiers.He sends the squad to investigate Andy's presents a

nd helps a wounded soldier get to safety.Later he sees what Woody did to Buzz and starts insulting him and orders his men to attack woody but Andy arrives and the soldiers let go.
Later he is sent on a Reconnaissance mission on Christmas to investigate Andy's Toys again.
Sid is Andy's Crazy and sociopathic Next-Door Neighbour Kid.He tortures toys for fun and often takes the dolls of his sister Hannah and makes surgeries.He is seen blowing up a plastic soldier in the begging of the movie.Later he is in pizza planet and takes Woody and Buzz from a Toy prize giving machine.He has made some mutant toys by cutting and combining their parts.A package arrives for him which contains a

rocket.He wants to send Woody to the sky but doesn't find him and tapes Buzz to the Rocket.Later he is Scared by his toys when he is preparing to blow up Buzz.
Hannah is Sid's loving and kind Sister.He appears to bully her and take her dalls and make them mutants.He is very Quiet.She often pretends to have tea parties with her dolls which are Sid's Victims.She found Buzz and dressed him for a tea party and names him Mrs. Nesbit.When Sid gets frightened of toys,Hannah uses it and chases him with her doll.
Pixar decided that this movie couldn't be made with traditional animation so they decided to make it with computer animation.The budget of the movie was $30 million using 110 animators much less than other Animated movies.The director of the movie Jonh Lasseter said that he wanted the animation to be more ''organic''.''Every Leaf and Blade of grass had to be created''.The animators made the characters from over 400 computer models.Next they had to create the motion controls.The most difficult character was woody as he required over 700 motions.Finally the film was finished with 114,240 frames.
Release and Critics:
At its time the film was the 3rd highest grossing animated movie afther Lion King and Aladdin.
The film had gross receipts of $362 million worldwide.
The review Aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gives a 100% Certified Fresh rating.
The movie won many awards including a Annie Award for best animated feature.
Toy Story Has Two sequels:
Toy Story 2 which was released in 1999 and
Toy Story 3 which will be released in 2010.
In my opinion: This movie is a Breakthrough in modern animation and the start of the Computer Animated Movies.
The objects are very detailed for their time.And the Kid's Rooms are very realistic.There is a very good amount of humor in this movie.And the emotions of the Toys are almost like real.The effects are quite good too.The sounds are very nice and real.And the lighting and the shadows are extremely realistic.
The Modelling and Texturing the characters is quite realistic.The Modelers and the Painters managed to make a plastic and fabric effect on the toys.The Actors have done a great job voicing the characters.Every character has a particular accent and that creates a nice atmosphere.
Toy Story is a great movie for Adults and Children.
All of the pictures and are taken from the movie Toy story and are property of Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures
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